A Deep Dive Into Prompt Creation for LLM

Prompt creation for LLM

As artificial intelligence is evolving, more and more people and organizations have started using Large Language Models. LLMs can generate human-like text in response to a variety of questions and prompts. They are undoubtedly a powerhouse of language processing. They can perform multiple tasks like providing answers to your queries, writing creative content, translating languages, and more. Machines are able to do so as they have been trained on a huge volume of varied datasets. One crucial aspect of leveraging these models is prompt creation for LLM, which significantly influences the quality and relevance of the generated output. 

Sourcing quality datasets for training AI models is a tedious task for organizations. But Macgence has got your back! Reach out to us if you want quality datasets for training your AI models effectively. 

Prompt engineering is the practice of providing inputs to an LLM in such a manner that the best possible output is received. If one has the quality to tailor prompts as per the situational requirements then, an LLM can perform complex tasks with just a single click. With that being said, let’s learn in detail about prompt creation for LLM through this blog!

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is an approach to writing text that instructs an LLM to perform a specific task in a precise, concise, creative manner. It must be noted that LLMs can understand natural language. They can also carry out tasks in multiple domains like giving answers to particular questions, solving mathematical problems, writing creative content, language translation, code generation, and more. To get the most out of these LLMs a proper approach needs to be curated. This is the key idea behind prompt creation for LLM.

How to Write Better Prompts?

The following are some key aspects of prompt engineering that’ll help you write better prompts and improve your results at the same time:

  1. Understanding LLMs: Having a clear understanding of how an LLM works and what are its advantages and disadvantages is a crucial step that’ll assist you in prompt creation for LLMs.
  1. Goal Oriented: It is well-known that LLMs have the potential to perform multiple tasks but if one wants tailored results then they should be clear of what they want from the model. Based on your requirements, the prompts have to be tweaked.
  1. Clarity: If you want better results from the LLM simply, provide clearer prompts. You should always avoid beating around the bush and stick to the point. Make sure to use relevant keywords related to your subject to get the best results.
  1. Iterative Process: The process of prompt creation for LLM is all about hit and trial. Based on the results of your existing prompts, you need to keep refining your prompts to get even better results. Changing the wording, adding in some keywords, and giving more details, are some of the ways by which the quality of results can be improved.
  1. Tools and Techniques: Some tools and frameworks are now available in the market that assist you in the process of prompt creation for LLM. They help you by adjusting the structure of your prompts to optimize the results. 

Types of Prompts 

Following is an overview of prompt types and examples that will help you better understand the process of prompt creation for LLM:

  1. Direct Instruction Prompts

Purpose: The purpose of a direct instruction prompt is to state the exact task that we want the LLM to perform.

Example: ‘Translate the below script from German to English’

  1. Task Completion Prompts

Purpose: In a task completion prompt, we provide the LLM with a scenario or problem and ask it to complete some task related to that scenario/problem.

Example: ‘You are my interviewer. You have to take my interview for the position of Business Analyst at your organization. Ask me questions for the same.’

  1. Few-Shot Learning Prompts

Purpose: It is much like training the LLM in a particular direction. In such prompts, we outline some examples of input-output formats to steer the LLM in the right direction.


  • ‘Input: Dog, Output: Animal’
  • ‘Input: Rose, Output: Flower’
  • ‘Input: India, Output: Count’
  • ‘Input: Mango, Output: ?’ (The LLM should ideally respond with the term ‘Fruit’)
  1. Story Continuation Prompts

Purpose: The goal of such prompts is to set the stage for a story and allow the LLM to continue the narrative. This is quite useful in creative content writing.

Example: ‘In ancient times, a dog named Shiro used to live in the streets of a village. He was loved by all the villagers…..’

  1. Question Answering Prompts

Purpose: As the name suggests, the main aim of these prompts is to get answers based on the knowledge of the LLM. However, it must be noted that the results of most LLMs currently out there in the market are not accurate. Sometimes, they may provide some false information. So, it is crucial to cross-check the results with some trusted online sources.


  • ‘What is the capital of Italy?’
  • ‘Who is the richest person in Asia?’

These were the main categorizations of prompt creation for LLMs. It must be noted that the length of the prompt can vary based on the situation and requirements. However, it has been observed that the more details mentioned in the prompt, the better you get the results. 

Why is Macgence Your go-to AI Partner?

So, that was a detailed guide about prompt creation for LLM. If you are a business owner looking to source quality datasets for training your AI and LLM models then look no further than Macgence. 

With a commitment to quality, Macgence guarantees data accuracy, validity, and relevance. We adhere to strict quality assurance protocols to provide impeccable results that too within the ethics.

Our privacy and data security standards are the best in the market. Additionally, we even adhere to ISO-27001, SOC II, GDPR & HIPAA  standards. Our large variety of datasets provides several options for your specific model training across multiple areas.


Q- What is prompt engineering?

Ans: – Prompt engineering is an approach to writing effective prompts to instruct a large language model to perform a particular task.

Q- Does the length of the prompt affect the results?

Ans: – Well, in the process of prompt creation for LLM, the length of the prompt doesn’t directly affect the results but yes, if a prompt is well-detailed then one will surely get better results.

Q- What is a system prompt in LLM?

Ans: – A system prompt in LLM is the set of instructions given to the LLM to get specific information/results from it.



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