Reliable AI Training Data
High quality off-the-shelf structured training data for organizations to build effective AI systems at Scale
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Access clean, relevant & ethically sourced compliant datasets to speed up development.
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Global Insights
Access global data solutions for diverse domains worldwide. Enhance your models with high quality training data.
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Reliable AI Training Data
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Our KPI's Achieved Till Now

From projects spanning across  data types, industries & geographies globally, we have come a long way in servicing the AI value chain

Images annotated
0 M+
Project done
0 +
Language Experience
0 +
Conversational Al data sourced
0 hrs+

Custom Data Sourcing

High accuracy custom data sourced for your specific model needs from across the globe strictly adhering to GDPR, SOC 2 & ISO compliance.

Content Moderation

Content Validation Services

Validate your model output by our expert validation team to optimise & enhance your model’s accuracy.


Crowd as a service

A managed service specifically tailored to your model’s unique parametric requirements utilising domain specific manpower expertise only to ensure optimal outcomes.

Enterprise AI

Our flagship one of a kind service, we work on your mandates to develop a fully functional model from the ground up enabling you faster time to market, Product MVP prioritisation accelerating your strategic objectives.

Data Annotations/

Experience data annotation & labelling with ~95% accuracy across data types for an impeccable model accuracy.

Macgence Home Center
Managed model generation

Managed Model Generation

Allow us to hand hold you for an end-to-end model development solution led by domain specific SMEs encompassing the value chain right from Defining, POC, development to testing & validation.

Data-validation 2

Data Validation

Ascertain your model’s initial throughput to get an unbiased SME opinion on critical model performance measures like drift, duplicity, ground truth response in the initial stages.

Localisation 2


Enable transliteration, higher relevance & acceptance using our localization service to expand your model’s functionality to meet functional, linguistic, and cultural needs of a specific market or audience.

Generative AI & LLM augmentation

Exceptional one of a kind service where we augment your existing domain specific LLM models by providing access to high quality data as well as supporting your existing capabilities using our custom RLHF techniques.

Model Validation

Model Validation

Establish an effective validation framework that safeguards your models against biases & drift through our proven methodology tailored for you to enable accurate predictions, interpretability & continuous model monitoring.

Languages Icon


800+ languages.


150+ Countries


Resources network of 10,000 Resources around the world.

Benefit From Our Global AI Data Collection Services With Global Expertise, Local Relevance

Languages Icon


800+ languages.


150+ Countries


Resources network of 10,000 Resources around the world.

Benefit From Our Global AI Data Collection Services With Global Expertise, Local Relevance

Macgence AI Training Data Engine

By combining global linguistic, cultural and technological expertise, we have already created high-quality datasets to enable your AI model faster time-to-market across the entire model value chain.

Data Collection Services

AI Data Collection Services

With more than 5 years of experience supporting and scaling AI initiatives of leading global innovators, Macgence can design a custom data collection program that addresses the data collection needs of a variety of use cases. By creating the AI data collection methodology and delivering high-quality data, our end-to-end solutions ensure that our clients receive legal and regulatory compliant training data.

AI Training Data

The task of handling AI training data is not an easy one, but we make it easier for you by offering the following services:

In order to utilize unstructured textual data effectively, Macgence provides cognitive annotation services that can help organizations unlock the huge potential of unstructured textual data.
Speech data consists of audio and text data used in speech recognition training.  Speech recognition systems are trained by analyzing the frequency of audio snippets and corresponding words. Speech data annotation is what we specialize in.
We specialize in machine vision and provide image annotation services to businesses worldwide through the talent of our developers. With the talents of our developers, we are specialized in machine vision and provide image annotation services to businesses around the world.

With our award-winning video analysis tools, video data absorbs our in-depth expertise and analysis, capturing hidden nuances within unstructured video. You can extract valuable insights from your video data by analyzing lifelike industrial robots or enhancing a consumer’s shopping experience using AR or VR.

Our Use Case Expertise

Our end to end AI solution value chain

Solutions Gif Macgence

How Are We Best




Data Protection & Compliance





End-to-End AI Data Services





Impeccable Quality & TAT





Global Sourcing Competence





A Trusted Name in AI



Let's discuss how we can collaborate with your AI/ML projects

Building Smarter AI Together​


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